Saturday, November 6, 2010


This blurry photo is my bird, Woody. Have you ever tried to photograph a bird? It ain't easy!

Woody technically belongs to my mom but he has been in our care since April 2009. I am thankful to have him in my home because during the day when I am alone by myself, he sings to me and cheers me up. Mr. Case has taught him a bunch of whistles and calls so we randomly call out to one another during the day. My favorite thing about him is the fact that he loves to take a bath in my hands; it's the coolest thing!

I wish I could've gotten a better picture so you could see the beautiful colors on his tail feathers, etc. but he was cranky today. If you're curious, there is much debate in the family as to whether he is a parralett (sp?) or a Lovebird. The verdict is out. He has been mauled by two dogs and had his legs reattached and still gets up and sings every day!

Having pets are a requirement for me for a happy life.

***As I'm sure most of you can tell Nablopomo couldn't hold my interest past two prompts so for anyone who was interested in it, I apologize. If you're doing the prompts please let me know so I can check out your blog. 

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