Friday, December 17, 2010


Today is my 29th birthday.

I'm not too keen on birthdays, generally, but this year I have so much to be thankful for that I would be remiss in not giving thanks for reaching 29.

Next year is the BIG 3-0 and I'm reallllly scared so I'm going to soak up every single last minute of being 29.

To start, I'm going to have a red velvet cupcake.

In bed.

Then I'm going to buy some Christmas presents. I haven't purchased a single thing except for Mr. Case's family gifts, which needed to be mailed weeks ago. For my 29th year I think my resolution should be to stop procrastinating. I'm usually done shopping by December 1st so I'm not sure what happened during my 28th year!

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

1 comment:

Liz said...

Happy Birthday! We've been on the road all day driving down to So Cal or I would have FB'd you earlier! Hope you're having a great day, and I'm so sad you're not here anymore.