I'm feeling really frazzled today. Some of it, OK, most of it, I'm not at liberty to discuss. I hate when someone says that. It's such a cop-out and just screams, "Give me attention!" But I can't help it-sometimes you're involved with stuff but it's not your story to tell. Such is the case with much of what is giving me so much agony and grief. Lord knows, when it is my own stuff, I get the verbal diarrhea!
The good news for today is that the insurance company for the man who hit Mr. Case is accepting liability. This is nice considering their insured admitted guilt and gave a statement. Apparently that's not usually enough for this particular company. I'm just happy it is getting resolved.
During one of the sermons at the church we didn't end up liking, the pastor said something that stuck with me (I told you he wasn't all bad!) He said, "Don't put your faith in your fears. Put your faith in your God." Every single day this concept has worked its way into my prayers. He also said something to the effect of God being the specialist at making the impossible, possible. So, I know it is possible for the story I don't want to tell to have a happy ending. I believe it. Whole-heartedly.
But today? Is a struggle.
I have felt some of those things too. I have to say that some of the time I just have to say I am just not going to fear because I hate feeling that way. It does nothing for you. Another, thing that helps is to look up fear in the Bible Dictionary and you will realize that it is just a tool used to bring you down. Not Godly at all.
Sorry you are having such a tough day.
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