I am a HUGE civil war fan. Well, really I love all history but a few events are my favorite: The Civil War, World War II, and all things (ancient) Egyptian. Today I needed to buy some stamps but they were out of the cool new ones I'd had my eye on. As luck would have it I was being served by Mr. Surly and he is not usually patient while I choose my stamps. So, we're going through the file folder and I am not seeing anything I like (what? stamps are serious business!) because they were all famous-yet-irrelevant-to-me people.
But then! Then! He offers me 150th anniversary civil war stamps. Be still my beating heart! I very excitedly tell him those are the ones I want and he replies, "I have never seen a woman get excited over civil war stamps. They almost always wants something floral or girly. You have shocked and amazed me."
For the first time since living here Mr. Surly perked up and showed some personality. I love meeting fellow history nerds!
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