Monday, December 27, 2010


The holidays are over and I'm glad. Not to sound Scrooge-y but December is a hectic month for our family outside of the obvious. My birthday is the 17th and my mom's is the 26th so it often feels like we have 5 big holidays in 2 weeks. Blah.

Christmas Eve had a bit-o-drama but Christmas was fine. I got a video camera and a new camera. Hooray: 2 practical but still drool-worthy gifts!

Mr. Case has a friend who lives about 3 hours away and he has invited us over to his home for New Year's Eve. I don't know if I am feeling up to committing to driving 3 hours to spend a holiday with strangers but we will see. Nevertheless if feels great to receive an invite!

I hope that everyone had a great holiday, and if you didn't, well, I hope you at least survived.

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